A work of the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia
A Work of the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Oberlausitz
Marienburger Allee 43, 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contact persons in the Bonhoeffer House / Contact Persons in the Bonhoeffer House
Chairman of the Board: | Pfr. i.R. Gottfried Brezger |
Honorary Members: | Dr. h.c. Renate Bethge (†) |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bethge (†) | |
Bischof i.R. Dr. Albrecht Schönherr (†) | |
Board: | Pfr. i.R. Gottfried Brezger |
Dr. Tobias Korenke | |
Martina Dethloff | |
Pfr. i.R. Dr. Christian Löhr (†) | |
Generalsuperintendentin Ulrike Trautwein | |
Donation account | Erinnerungs- und Begegnungsstätte Bonhoeffer-Haus e. V. |
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse | |
IBAN: DE24 1005 0000 0190 6448 77 | |

Data protection Our website is intended for all interested visitors. Your personal data will be stored and used in accordance with the data protection regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany. Copyright © Copyright Bonhoeffer-Haus memorial and meeting place e.V., Berlin (BR Germany). All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on the website are subject to copyright protection. Rights of use The content of this website may not be distributed, changed, copied or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. We would also like to point out that some of the images contained on the website are subject to third-party copyrights. Reproduction of this website or of individual parts within other websites is not permitted. Liability This website was compiled with utmost care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and accuracy of the information contained. Any liability for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence. The exclusion of liability also does not apply to damage resulting from injury to life, limb or health insofar as this is due to negligence or willful intent. If this website refers to websites operated by third parties (hyperlinks), the Bonhoeffer House Memorial and Meeting Center does not assume any responsibility for their content.. |
We like you to point to the following other offers on the web.
Since this are websites maintained by external providers we have no control over their content.
We have checked the safety of the information at inclusion in this list and since then at regular but long-time intervals.
International Bonhoeffer-Society
German Section of the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Society
English Language Section of the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Society
Dutch Section of the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Society
Brasilian Section of the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Society
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Verein e.V.
Evang. Student Home Linz Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Memorials, Places of Encounter, Exhibitions
Memorial Flossenbürg
Memorial Place of Encounter Bonhoeffer-Haus Friedrichsbrunn
Materials and Media
Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the english Wikipedia
http://www.bonhoeffer-film.de/ Wer glaubt, der flieht nicht (documentary)
Bonhoeffer-website of the Evang.-Reform. Regional Church Kanton Zürich
Churches and Denominations
Evang. Church Berlin-Brandenburg-silesian Oberlausitz (EKBO)